Chances are high that you have a fire extinguisher in Kenilworth as a part of your fire safety plan. Nevertheless, you’d be surprised by just how many people own fire extinguishers and still believe some myths that, aside from being simply untrue, are a genuine threat to their safety. Below, we’ll identify and debunk some of the most commonly spread fire extinguisher misconceptions.
Myth: You Can Use Water to Put Out All Fires
Fire sprinkler systems can sometimes use water to put out fires. But even though these are highly effective at putting out certain types of fire, they don’t work nearly as well as a fire extinguisher. Whether it’s you tossing water onto the fire or the fire sprinklers discharging it, water can, in fact, be dangerous depending on what started the fire.
A good example would be using water to put out an electrical fire. It can cause the flames to spread even more and create electrical hazards. If the point is to implement proper fire safety protocol, make sure that an understanding of how to address each type of fire is part of it.
Myth: You Only Need a Fire Extinguisher Inspection After You’ve Used It
A regular fire extinguisher inspection in NJ is crucial if you want to ensure your device is working correctly. And that doesn’t only mean after you’ve discharged it. Ideally, you won’t be discharging your fire extinguisher often, but you need it to work when it matters most, which is why you should have it inspected annually.
You can conduct small, periodic inspections yourself as well. Check your fire extinguisher every few months for signs of damage. You should confirm that the pin is still intact and that the pressure gauge looks okay. If you know it’s been a while since you’ve last had a fire extinguisher inspection in NJ, that should be your cue to have it inspected right away.
Myth: You Don’t Need Fire Extinguishers if You Have Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fire sprinklers are incredible assets for commercial spaces that help keep them and their visitors safe from the ravages of fires. However, they aren’t always the best solution for a few different reasons.
One of the most overlooked is that smaller fires don’t always cause the sprinkler system to react. Having a fire extinguisher handy to manually put out a fire before it spreads can make a massive difference in how quickly the fire spreads. But that also requires the team to know how to use the fire extinguishers properly. They’re only effective in the right hands, so ensure everyone knows how to operate one.
Myth: Any Fire Extinguisher Will Do
Fire extinguishers are classed depending on what kind(s) of fire they’re meant to put out. As such, one fire extinguisher won’t necessarily work to combat all types of fires. For example, a Class A fire extinguisher is good enough to put out fires caused by typical combustibles like wood. It won’t be effective at putting out an electrical fire, which requires a Class C fire extinguisher to handle.
The best way to address these differences is to have various fire extinguishers and know which to use in specific situations. This is another pivotal moment where training will be vital so everyone knows what fire extinguisher they need to use.
Fire Safety Starts With Knowing the Truth About Fire Mitigation
Fire damage is a serious thing, so it’s crucial to take fire safety just as seriously. By understanding the truth behind your fire extinguisher in New Jersey, it’s much easier to use it properly should the time come. If you need assistance with your fire safety plan, including fire extinguisher or fire sprinkler maintenance, contact ABC Fire & Safety today.