You likely already know that you must keep a fire extinguisher in your business facility. However, what many overlook is that you’ll also use other fire suppression tools, including fire sprinklers.
While the average business owner may not realize it, there are two types of fire sprinkler systems on the market. Whether you opt for a standard or a quick response system will depend on the type of business you manage.
What Do All Fire Sprinkler Systems Have in Common?
Standard and quick response systems use many of the same functions. They all operate based on thermal sensitivity, which is a process that helps measure the RTI (response time index). The RTI determines the temperature at which the system, which uses an ambient temperature rating or the normal temperature of the ceiling, activates.
As the ambient temperature rises above normal and reaches the limit designated in the system, the sprinklers will activate. They have ports that range in size from ½ inch up to 1 ¼ inch. The pressure or force of the water will depend on the size of the sprinkler ports.
Sprinklers come with several spray patterns, and the coverage area typically depends on the type of system you install. Even a wider coverage area might not reach essential zones within your business, so it’s still important to install a fire extinguisher in New Jersey businesses.
How Does a Standard Sprinkler System Function?
Most people are familiar with standard sprinkler systems since they are the most common type. In these systems, the sprinklers direct water flow down toward the floor. The water attacks the fire at the source to limit its spread and extinguish the areas where the fire is hottest and strongest.
A complaint about early models of standard fire sprinklers was that they caused unnecessary water damage. This occurred because all sprinklers in the building would activate after the system identified a rise in temperature. Modern systems avoid this problem by activating just one section of sprinklers at a time.
The sprinklers douse the fire in places where they detect rising temperatures. Sprinklers in other parts of the building remain dormant unless the fire spreads to those areas. If there’s a small fire in another part of the building, it will be necessary to use other forms of fire suppression.
For this reason, it’s important to undergo your annual fire extinguisher inspection in NJ. You never know when you may need to rely on a single extinguisher.
What’s the Difference with a Quick Response System?
A quick response system works by directing the water flow in the opposite direction. Instead of suppressing the fire by directly dampening the source of the fire, quick response sprinklers shower the ceiling with water. This primarily helps by keeping the ceiling cool, making evacuation easier for people who may be on the upper floors.
Another benefit of the quick response system is that it dampens the ceiling and helps stop the fire from spreading. Since heat rises, keeping the ceiling cooler with these types of sprinklers will minimize damage.
Standard sprinkler systems are ideal for factories and warehouses. Quick response sprinklers are best for office buildings, government facilities, schools, prisons, and nursing homes.
Keep Your Fire Sprinklers in Good Condition
While fire sprinklers don’t require much maintenance, they do need regular inspections and testing — unless your local government ordinances state otherwise. You should schedule testing and plan to have your sprinkler system inspected at least once per year. This will be enough to ensure that the system will work in an emergency.