Fires pose a serious threat to commercial establishments of all kinds. Understanding the risks allows you to implement effective strategies to reduce the danger, protecting both your assets and your employees. You can address these common fire hazards to decrease the risk of a fire impacting your New Jersey business.
1. Overloaded Electrical Circuits
Electrical fires are among the most common types of fires in commercial settings.
Overloaded circuits, overused outlets, outdated wiring, and other issues can quickly lead to a fire breaking out. Over-reliance on extension cords and power strips is another major risk factor. Taking proper care of your electrical components will help you prevent fires.
A professional inspection of your building’s wiring can help stop circuit overload. An inspection can reveal issues that are common with older systems, such as faulty connections.
If you have high-demand devices in use, make sure they’re on circuits with sufficient capacity. A panel upgrade or other work may be required to maintain safety.
2. Improper Storage of Combustibles
Your company may store various combustibles, whether flammable liquids or paper documents. Consequently, even a small spark can turn into a major fire quickly.
Improper storage in your office, warehouse, or other spaces increases that risk. Fortunately, properly segregating combustibles with designated safety cabinets can reduce it.
Depending on the nature of your business, you may have combustibles with specific storage requirements. Consult local fire codes to ensure that you’re storing these items properly. In general, they should be kept away from electrical panels, heat sources, and other hazards to reduce the chances of a fire breaking out and spreading.
3. Inadequate Fire Safety Equipment
Fire safety equipment is critical for minimizing the threat of fires and mitigating their impact. Common examples of fire safety equipment in commercial settings include fire extinguishers, alarms, and fire sprinkler systems. Not only is it vital to have these on-site, but they also require proper maintenance and inspections.
Your local fire code likely outlines specific fire safety equipment requirements and required upkeep. At the very least, you’ll need a fire extinguisher in New Jersey.
Fire extinguisher inspection in NJ is a necessity for just about every type of business. Confirming that the charge, gauges, seals, and hoses are all in proper order will ensure that your fire extinguishers work reliably when you need them most.
4. Excessive Clutter
Clutter poses serious fire safety risks. It can block exits and pathways and allow flames to spread rapidly if certain items or their containers are flammable. Keep your business clutter-free by implementing a routine cleaning schedule and setting aside designated storage areas.
You should also touch on the importance of eliminating clutter in your staff training. Encourage your team to deal with any waste or items requiring storage promptly. Also, make sure your exits are clearly marked and that everyone knows to keep them unobstructed in case of an emergency.
5. Kitchen Hazards
Kitchens are among the areas where fires break out most frequently in commercial buildings. This includes staff break rooms containing basic cooking appliances. As such, almost all businesses need to consider kitchen safety.
Keeping equipment in good working order and avoiding leaving appliances on while they’re unattended can go a long way toward preventing accidental kitchen fires.
Take Steps to Safeguard Your Business
Being proactive about fire safety and addressing the common hazards highlighted here will help you protect your business and your employees. Taking the time to keep up with regulations, training, and professional inspections is key to mitigating these dangers.
ABC Fire & Safety provides a full range of products and services, including fire extinguisher inspection in NJ, to help you safeguard what matters most. Contact us today for all your fire safety needs.